Betula utilis long trunk

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Betula utilis Long Trunk - Csüngő himalájai nyír. A himalájai nyír, a Himalájában 3300-4300 m magasan őshonos, 10-20 m magasra növő, tojásdad koronájú, lombhullató fa. Joseph Hooker, a híres angol botanikus fedezte fel 1849-ben, majd honosította meg Angliában. A Long Trunk fajta 4-6 m magas, kérge kezdetben fehér vagy világosszürke, később papírvékony csíkokban .


Betula utilis Long Trunk/ Csüngő himalájai nyírfa. Betula utilis Long Trunk- Csüngő himalájai nyírfa Kis termetű 4-6 m magas, ívben lehajló ágú, magas törzsre oltott fa. Ágai vékonyak, csüngők. Közepes növekedésű, ellenálló növény. Törzse fehér, ősszel a lombja aranysárga. Napos helyre, bármilyen talajba ültethetjük. Öntözést igényel.. Betula utilis Long Trunk - Csüngő himalájai nyír T150. Szép szoliter növény. 27 500 Ft Felvitel a kedvencek közé » Betula utilis Long Trunk - Csüngő himalájai nyír T150: 20 l.-s konténerben, Tm 150 cmKis termetű (4-6 m), ívben lehajló ágú, magas törzsre oltott fa. Ágai, vékonyak csüngők. Középerős növekedésű, jó tűrőképességű. Törzse kezdetben tejfehér, később teljesen fehér.. Himalájai nyír Long Trunk, Betula utilis 130 - 180 cm, kont. 5I

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. Himalájai nyír Long Trunk, Betula utilis 130 - 180 cm, kont. 5I. elérhetőség: 7 - 9: INGYENES kiszállítás feletti megrendeléskor 56600 Ft 25700,00 Ft . Betula pendula, kont. C3, 40-50 cm. 20831,00 Ft ks. Új. Molyhos nyír Golden Treasure ®, Betula nana , kont. .. Hosszú törzsű himalájai nyír - Betula utilis Long Trunk. Betula utilis Long Trunk


A legszebb változata a himalájai nyírnek. A hófehér kérgű, 10-15 m magasra megnövő fa ágai lefelé csüngenek és ősszel a lombja csodálatos aranysárga színben tündököl. 6b USDA-zóna.. Nyírfa himalájai csüngő - Betula utilis Long Trunk, TK4/6, törzses .. Nyírfa himalájai csüngő - Betula utilis Long Trunk, TK4/6, törzses, K10l 22.890 Ft NEM KAPHATÓ! Kifutás dátuma: 2023-08-24 Jelöld be azokat a kiegészítő termékeket, amiket még a kosárba szeretnél tenni! Florasca Bio 20l B virágföld semleges kémhatású 1.950 Ft Green Bull 100% porított, szárított szarvasmarhatrágya 45l 4.690 Ft. Betula utilis Long Trunk / Csüngő himalájai nyír - Profi Faiskola. A Betula utilis Long Trunk / Csüngő himalájai nyír, kis termetű 3-4 m, ívben lehajló ágú, magas törzsre oltott fa. Ágai, vékonyak csüngők. Középerős növekedésű, jó tűrőképességű. Törzse kezdetben tejfehér, később teljesen fehér. Ősszel a lombja csodálatos aranysárga színben tündököl. A túl száraz talaj kivételével bárhová ültethető.. Kolibri kertészet - Csüngő himalájai nyír (Long Trunk). Webáruház » Díszfák ». (Betula utilis Long Trunk) 4-6 méter magasra növő díszfa, kis kertek kedvelt növénye. Vesszői ívesen lehajlók, lombja ősszel sárgára színeződik. Tápdús talajba ültessük, napos helyet szeret. Tároló típusa: konténer. Magasság: 150-180 cm.. Betula utilis Long Trunk - Gavallér Kertészet. Betula utilis Long Trunk Csüngő himalájai nyír Törzsre oltott , csüngő ágú fa. Törzsre oltott fa, ívben lehajló ágai vékonyak és csüngők. Törzse kezdetben tejfehér később teljesen fehér. Ősszel a lombja sárgára színeződik. Napos helyre ültessük. Csüngő himalájai nyír Ajánlatkérés Székhely: HU 6031, Szentkirály, Béke u. 21.. Betula utilis - Wikipedia. Neurobetula. Species: B. utilis. Binomial name. Betula utilis. D.Don. Synonyms. B. bhojpatra Wall

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. Betula utilis, the Himalayan birch ( bhojpatra, Sanskrit: भूर्ज bhūrjá ), is a deciduous tree native to the Western Himalayas, growing at elevations up to 4,500 m (14,800 ft).. Díszfák - Betula utilis Long Trunk. Díszfák kategóriánkban megtalálja az Önnek legmegfelelőbb terméket. Nézze meg Díszfák kategóriánk kínálatát. - Betula utilis Long Trunk.. Betula utilis Long Trunk | Weeping Himalayan Birch Tree| - Ornamental Trees. Betula utilis Long Trunk is a beautifully slender Weeping Himalayan Birch tree with white exfoliating bark. It is a a pendulous form of Betula utilis Jacquemontii and features the same bright white bark and slightly oversized, forest green leaves that turn a warm, golden yellow in autumn.. Betula utilis Long Trunk / Csüngő himalájai nyír. Leírás. A Betula utilis Long Trunk / Csüngő himalájai nyír, kis termetű (4-6 m), ívben lehajló ágú, magas törzsre oltott fa. Ágai, vékonyak csüngők. Középerős növekedésű, jó tűrőképességű.. Betula utilis | Himalayan birch Trees/RHS Gardening. Betula utilis. Himalayan birch

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. A variable species with peeling, usually copper-brown or pinkish bark and dark green leaves up to 12cm long. In early spring it produces long, yellow-brown male catkins. Betula utilis Long Trunk - Csüngő himalájai nyír (extra méretű koros). Betula utilis Long Trunk - Csüngő himalájai nyír (extra méretű koros) kapható webáruházumban. Tekintse meg oldalamon, ahol szakszerű segítséget is kínálok. Országos szállítás!. Bříza himalájská Long Trunk - Betula utilis Long Trunk .. Betula utilis Long Trunk Bříza himalájská je krásně štíhlá převislá bříza s bílou olupující se kůrou, listy má ve tvaru kosočtverce tmavě zelené barvy a na podzim přechází do zlatožluté. Jedná se o malý až středně velký strom. Tato převislá… Vše o produktu Nároky na slunce Slunce Polostín Nároky na vláhu Vlhká Polo suchá Kvete v měsících. Weeping Himalayan Birch - BETULA UTILIS LONG TRUNK. BETULA UTILIS LONG TRUNK - Weeping Himalayan Birch. Characteristics. Himalayan birch (Betula utilis) is a tree highly prized for its wonderfully ornamental bark - a smooth, white trunk that gleams in the winter months. In summer this deciduous tree sports a crown of mid-green leaves slightly larger than the foliage of our native silver birch .. Betula utilis Longtrunk (Weeping Himalayan Birch). Habit: Betula utilis Longtrunk grows to be a small weeping tree. Height: up to 6 m (20 ft) - or until the supporting cane is removed. Spread: 4 m (13 ft) Notes: For best effect, the bark should be scrubbed gently with a hand brush and water once a year. This removes any green algae or grime and helps to restore the colour.. Betula pendula Long Trunk - Shoot. Long Trunk is a deciduous tree with an upright, white, peeling trunk and weeping branches bearing diamond-shaped, deeply-lobed, toothed, dark green leaves turning yellow in autumn. Yellow-brown catkins bloom in early spring. Read more Season of interest Height and spread Metric | Imperial Where to grow Soil type Chalky Clay Loamy Sandy. Hängende Himalayabirke / Betula utilis Long Trunk - Baumschule NewGarden. Die Rinde der Betula utilis Long Trunk erscheint bei jungen Bäumen zunächst etwas dunkler und rotbraun. Mit zunehmendem Alter verändert sie sich und wird glatt und silbrig weiß. Die äußeren Schichten der Rinde und rollen sich dann papierähnlich dekorativ ab. Betula utilis Long Trunk erreicht eine Endhöhe von bis zu 6 Metern. Betula &Long Trunk& | Trees/RHS Gardening. Trees Betula Long Trunk A slow-growing deciduous tree, with a weeping habit and peeling, bright white bark. Leaves are large, glossy and deep green, toothed at the edges, and turn golden yellow in autumn. Yellow-green catkins are produced in spring Synonyms Betula utilis Long Trunk Betula pendula Long Trunk. Betula Long Trunk - Silver Birch | Mail Order Trees. Common Name: Silver Birch Latin Name: Betula utilis jacquemontii Long TrunkSoil: Any good garden soilPosition: Full sun or partial shadeFlowering period/colour: February-March/ Yellow-brown catkins.Hardiness: Fully hardyHeight/spread in 20 years: 6m/ 4m.Special features: An attractive weeping habit and sparkling bark.This weeping Himalayan .. Betula utilis Long Trunk - Future Forests. A weeping form of the West Himalayan birch, Betula utilis Long Trunk is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree with the same brilliant white, peeling bark and a slender habit. Dark green, triangular leaves turn a warm yellow in autumn. The bark can be power-washed or scrubbed to keep it pristine. Particularly attractive planted beside a pond. When planting, insert a stake of the required .

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. Betula utilis | Himalayan birch Trees/RHS Gardening. Deciduous. Habit. Bushy. Genus. Betula can be deciduous trees or shrubs, usually colouring well in autumn and often with striking white, pink, or peeling brown bark; separate male and female catkins open before or with the leaves in spring. Name status. Correct.. Betula utilis "Long Trunk" (breza himalájska) - Záhradníctvo. Betula utilis "Long Trunk" (breza himalájska) Fotky sú reálne, z nášho záhradníctva

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. Tvar, veľkosť alebo farba sa však môžu mierne odlišovať od obrázka. Strom so sklonenými, husto rastúcimi konármi a dekoratívnou bielou kôrou. Listy sú oválne, veľké, tmavozelenej farby. Zostrihnutím vrchných konárov na 1/4 dĺžky .. Breza himalájska ´LONG TRUNK´ na kmienku 180 cm, kont

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Betula utilis ´Long Trunk´ . Charakteristika: Breza himalájska ´LONG TRUNK´ je previsnutý kutivar s výraznou bielou kôrou po celej dĺžke kmeňa. Listy sú oválne, srdcovité, na okrajoch zúbkované, sýto zelenej farby, na jeseň sa sfarbujú do žlta. V čase kvitnutia je strom obsypaný dekoratívnymi žltohnedými jahňadami.. Betula ermanii - Trees and Shrubs Online. A tree said to become 100 ft high; bark of the trunk peeling, creamy or pinkish white; that of the branches orange-brown; young shoots not downy, but with numerous glandular warts; buds nearly 1 ⁄ 2 in


long, viscid, slender-pointed. Leaves broadly ovate, with a straight or slightly heart-shaped base, taper-pointed, coarsely triangular-toothed; 2 to 3 in. long, 1 1 ⁄ 2 to 2 1 ⁄ 4 in .. Whitebarked Himalayan birch - Betula utilis Jacquemontii - PNW Plants. Scientific name: Betula utilis Jacquemontii. Himalayan birch is the most widely grown of the birch speices in the Pacific Northwest and is greatly prized for its distinctive white bark which makes it a welcome addition during the darker days of winter. This is a deciduous tree that grows to an eventual height of 40 and a width of 20.. Betula utilis &Long Trunk& | Trees/RHS Gardening. Betula. utilis. Long Trunk. A slow-growing deciduous tree, with a weeping habit and peeling, bright white bark. Leaves are large, glossy and deep green, toothed at the edges, and turn golden yellow in autumn. Yellow-green catkins are produced in spring.. Betula utilis var. jacquemontii|West Himalayan birch/RHS Gardening. Betula utilis var. jacquemontii. West Himalayan birch. A vigorous deciduous tree to 18m tall, with brilliant white bark on the trunk and larger branches; ovate leaves turn yellow in autumn; yellow-brown male catkins to 12cm long open in early spring. Betula utilis var. jacquemontii (Himalayan Birch) - Gardenia. Exceptionally hardy, Himalayan Birch performs best in cool northern climates where root zones are often covered with snow in the winter and does poorly in the heat and humid areas. Grows up to 30-40 ft. tall (9-12 m) and 20-25 ft. wide (6-7.5 m). A full sun or part shade lover, this plant is easily grown in medium to wet, well-drained soils.. Betula utilis var. jacquemontii - Oregon State University. Hardy to USDA Zone 5 Native to the western Himalayas. Taxonomy: It was described in1841 as a species separate from Betula utilis, but is now considered to be one of its varieties, Betula utilis var. jacquemontii. Technically the main differences between the variety and the species are that the variety has fewer vein pairs per leaf (7-9 pairs .. Bříza | Zahradnictví FLOS. Betula utilis Long Trunk Více jak 5 kusů skladem Bříza. 3 990 Kč. Do košíku Počet kusů Počet kusů Odeslat. Bříza himalájská var. jacquemontii. Betula utilis jacquemontii. Poslední kus skladem Bříza. 11 990 Kč. Vybrat variantu .. Береза полезная Лонг Транк . - YouTube. Хотите купить саженцы березы полезной Лонг Транк (betula utilis Long Trunk)?Зайдите на .. Betula utilis subsp. jacquemontii | West Himalayan birch Trees/RHS .. Betula utilis subsp. jacquemontii. West Himalayan birch. A vigorous deciduous tree to 18m tall, with brilliant white bark on the trunk and larger branches; ovate leaves turn yellow in autumn; yellow-brown male catkins to 12cm long open in early spring. Birch trees care and growing guide: expert gardening tips | Gardeningetc. Birch trees grow quickly, but are not long lived. When growing well, the silver birch (Betula pendula) can reach 25ft (8m) in 10 years and 60ft (18m) after 20 years, but some birch trees die in 60 years and most will be dead at 90 - compare this with the lifespan of hundreds of years for an oak or maple. Wind-blown birch seeds are often the .. Betula ermanii (Ermans Birch) - Gardenia. Grows up to 50-70 ft. tall (15-20 m) and 30 ft. wide (10 m). A full sun or part shade lover, this plant is easily grown in medium to wet, well-drained soils. Tolerates a wide range of soils. Perfect as a specimen plant or in borders, cottage gardens, city gardens, and foundation plantings. Low maintenance, this plant needs little pruning.. Betula - bříza - Zahradnictví Franc. Betula jacquemontii (syn. Betula utilis var. jacquemontii ) bříza himalájská . Betula utilis Long Trunk bříza bělokorá (bradavičnatá), převislá .. Betula jacquemontii - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox. Betula is Latin for birch and describes a genus of about 60 species of deciduous trees and shrubs found in many gardens and landscapes throughout the northern hemisphere. Jacquemontii is a variety of Betula utilis and is native to the western Himalayas (Kashmir to central Nepal). It is most noted for its exceptionally white bark.. Betula utilis Indian Paper Birch, Whitebarked Himilayan Birch .. Betula utilis is a deciduous Tree growing to 20 m (65ft 7in) at a fast rate. See above for USDA hardiness. It is hardy to UK zone 8. It is in flower in April, and the seeds ripen in October. The species is monoecious (individual flowers are either male or female, but both sexes can be found on the same plant) and is pollinated by Wind.. White Bark Himalayan Birch Trees | Betula | Ornamental Trees. 15+ varieties of Himalayan Birch (Betula utilis jacquemontii) with attractive white bark. Single & multi stem trees 1.5-6m height available with UK wide delivery. Betula utilis Long Trunk Tree Weeping Himalayan Birch Trees . £85 (inc VAT) Buy View. 5 Tree Bundle Offer. Betula utilis jacquemontii Mature Tree Bundle .. Birch Trees: Types, Leaves, Bark - Identification (With Pictures). White birch trees (Betula pubescens) The white birch tree has ovate-shaped fuzzy leaves and white, thin, papery peeling bark. White birch trees grow between 30 and 65 ft. (10 - 20 m) tall. The slender white trunk has upright branches, giving the tree a columnar appearance. White birches have warm yellow fall colors.. Nyírfa csemeték rendelése Megyeri Szabolcs kertészetéből

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. Betula utilis Long Trunk - Csüngő himalájai nyír. 34.990 Ft. Részletek Kosárba. Betula utilis - Himalájai nyír. 74.990 Ft. Részletek Kosárba

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. Betula nigra Summer Cascade - Csüngő fekete nyír. 55.590 Ft. Részletek Kosárba


Betula utilis Doorenbos - Himalájai nyír.. Betula - Trees and Shrubs Online. Birches (mostly wild-collected varieties of Betula utilis) in the UK National Collection at Wakehurst Place, West Sussex; March 2010. Image Owen Johnson. This landmark old tree in the Westonbirt National Arboretum, its trunk 1.32 m broad in July 2014, was long grown as B. ermanii but was identified by the late Kenneth Ashburner as an .. How to grow and care for silver birch | lovethegarden. Betula pendula Tristis is a tall tree with silvery-white bark and blue-green leaves turning yellow in autumn. Betula pendula Youngii produces a dome shape of branches that weep down to the ground, and green leaves that turn yellow in autumn. Betula utilis var. jacquemontii has the whitest of all birches and green leaves turning bright yellow in .. Bříza himalájská var

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. jacquemontii - Betula utilis jacquemontii .. Poskytujeme garanci výměny zdarma, pokud dorazí rostlina poškozená. 🌸🌲☘️ Bříza himalájská var. jacquemontii - Betula utilis jacquemontii - pohodlně online. Pečlivě balíme 📦 a garantujeme OK doručení či výměnu. Výhodná cena od 11 990 Kč s rychlým doručením a 1000+ odběrnými místy.. Which Birch Tree to Choose for my Garden?. Ermans Birch (Betula ermanii) is a medium-sized birch known for its graceful appearance. The trunk displays creamy bark with hints of copper-pink, while the branches feature papery brown bark. With large, heart-shaped, bright green leaves that turn golden yellow in fall, this tree is a stunning addition to any garden.. Betula utilis Long Trunk Tree | Winter garden, Ornamental trees .. Apr 4, 2018 - Betula utilis Long Trunk weeping White Stemmed Birch trees available from specialist nursery with 20 years experience, 97% review score & UK wide delivery. Pinterest. Explore. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures.. Phylogenetic relationships in Betula (Betulaceae) based on AFLP markers .. The cultivars "Long Trunk" and "Edinburgh" were positioned within group E, close to B. utilis and B. albosinensis. "Long Trunk" was originally described as a B. pendula cultivar, but clusters with B. utilis "Doorenbos" in the NJ dendrogram and, based on the AFLP profile, appears to represent either a hybrid between B. utilis and .. How To Pick The Best Birch For Your Yard | Gardening Know How. Himalayan Birch (Betula utilis var. jacquemontii) USDA hardiness zones 4 to 7. There is so much to love about the white barked Himalayan birch, including the lovely bright white and papery bark, pretty spring flowers, and yellow fall color. This medium sized birch tree grows into a pyramid shape from its single trunk and does best in cooler .. Himalajinis beržas ,,Long Trunk" - Betula utilis Long Trunk Himalajinis beržas ,,Long Trunk" yra nedidelis ar vidutinio dydžio lapuočių medis, turintis ryškiai baltą, lupančią žievę ir liekną kamieną. Ypač patrauklus pasodintas šalia tvenkinio. PA 140-160cm. DĖL AUGALO DYDŽIO, PRISTATYMAS GALIMAS TIK UTENOS IR VILNIAUS APSKRITYSE!. Multi Trunk Trees: Trees That Have Multiple Trunks. Juneberry trees (Betula utilis var) are also fast-growing multi trunk trees that put on over a foot of new growth a year. The tree produces large white blooms in the spring and summer months which turn into edible fruit. In fall, the trees leaves will turn orange and red. Juneberry trees are hardy and cold-tolerant.

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. What Himalayan Birch Tree To Buy And Care Advice. And the Himalayan birch, also known as Betula utilis jacquemontii, is all the rage right now. This deciduous tree that loses its foliage at the end of the autumn can grow to 18m tall, with brilliant white bark on the trunk, large branches, yellow leaves in autumn, and yellow-brown male catkins to 12cm long that open in the early spring.. Beržai - - Limino dekoratyvinių augalų medelynas


Beržas himalajinis (Betula utilis) Jacquemontii Aukštis ~12 m, plotis ~6 m. Parduodamo sodinuko dydis 200 cm. Vazonas C5. Kategorija: Beržai 25,00 € . Beržas himalajinis (Betula utilis) Long Trunk Medelis ~5m aukščio ir pločio, svyrančiom šakom. Parduodamo sodinuko dydis 250-300 cm. Vazono dydis C30 .Parduodamas tik medelyne. Betula utilis Doorenbos - Himalájai nyír. A Betula utilis Doorenbos - Himalájai nyír főbb jellemzői: Ez a fajta különösen ismert fehér, papírszerű kérgéről, amely idővel lehámlik, felfedve az alatta lévő újabb fehér rétegeket. Ez a jellegzetes kérge teszi a Doorenbos nyírt különlegesen vonzóvá a kertbarátok körében. Közepes méretű fa, amely .. 5 Stunning White Bark Trees You Will Find In Texas - Tree Vitalize. Other Common Names: Betula utilis var. Jacquemontii, Betula utilis var. Jacquemonti Doorenbos, Betula utilis var. Jacquemontii Grayswood Ghost, Betula albosinensis. Growing Zones: 3-8. Average Size at Maturity: 40-70 ft tall by 20-25 ft wide. Season: Flowers in Spring. Available at: Nature Hills. (PDF) Review on Current Status of Betula utilis: An . - ResearchGate. Betula utilis is a hardy perennial plant of moderate size up to 20 M in height, forming the upper limit of forest vegetation. It inhabitates along the Himalayan range from Bhutan westwards .. 5 Trees With Beautiful Trunks to Give Your Winter Garden Character. Betula utilis var. jacquemontii: Himalaya Birch


As the name implies, this birch comes from the Himalayas. Betula utilis var. jacquemontii has become a popular tree because it withstands wind better than an ordinary birch. It can reach 10 to 15 meters high and has an almost spooky white tree trunk with flaky bark.. Konténeres díszfák - Gödöllői Kertészet. Betula pendula Royal Frost - lila levelű nyírfa. 11 000 Ft . Betula utilis Long Trunk - Csüngő himalájai nyír T150. 27 500 Ft Részletek. Betula utilis Doorenbos- Himalájai nyír . 15 000 Ft. Himalayan birch (Not recommended) | The Morton Arboretum. Betula utilis ( syn. Betula jacquemontii, Betula utilis var jacquemontii) Common names: Himalayan birch, white-barked Himalayan birch, whitebarked Himalayan birch, . Simple, alternate leaves are 2 to 3 inches long. The dark green leaves are oval with double serrated edges. Fall color is yellow. Flower arrangement, shape, and size:. Small Birch Trees | Dwarf Betula | Ornamental Trees Ltd. Betula utilis Long Trunk Tree Weeping Himalayan Birch Trees . £85 (inc VAT) Buy View. Betula ermanii White Chocolate Tree Upright Birch Trees . £85 (inc VAT) Buy View. 5 Tree Bundle Offer. Betula utilis Snow Queen Mature Tree Bundle .. Birch for winter interest - RHS Gardening. Quick facts. Common name Birch. Botanical name Betula. Group Deciduous trees and shrubs. Flowering time Spring (catkins) Planting time Autumn and winter. Height and spread 8-18m (26-59ft) by 6-8m (20-26ft) or more. Aspect Full sun or light dappled shade. Hardiness Fully hardy.. Betula utilis Long Trunk - 10 ltr. 180 + cm. Betula utilis Long Trunk - 10 ltr. 180 + cm. 45.00лв. Екзотик Плантс ви предлага един интересен вид хималайска плачеща бреза в лимитирана серия. Листата са много едри, лъскави, зелени, формата на короната е .. Betula pendula Youngii - Landscape Plants | Oregon State University. Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: No. Deciduous tree, 10-12 ft (3-3.7 m), pendulous slender branches provide a weeping form, often grafted to a standard rootstock to produce an umbrella-like crown. Normal leaves. Not everyone finds the "umbrella-like crown" attractive.. PDF Choosing the best birch - RHS Gardening. Betula utilis var. jacquemontii Grayswood Ghost Mature size: h: 15m (50ft), s: 10m (33ft). Foliage: large, glossy, rich green leaves to 12cm (5in) long, often turning bright yellow before falling. Bark: among the whitest of all birches. Habit and appeal: a vigorous selection with dazzling white bark, best seen in winter.. Betula utilis Long Trunk | Betula - bříza |Zahradnictví Franc. Květ je protáhlý (jehněda) samčí jsou dlouhé 3-7 cm , samičí pouze 1-2 cm, po opylení převisající. Ve skupině obvykle po 2, někdy samostatně nebo po 3. Roční přírůstek je 30-40 cm, Ve 20 letech dorůstá výšky až 3-3,5 metrů, dospělé stromy mohou dorůst výšky 4-5 m a šířky 5-6 m, výjimečně i více. Nároky ..